Physical Therapy for Arthritis in Washington, D.C.

At Release Physical Therapy, our expert therapists conduct thorough assessments to gain insight into your arthritis symptoms. With this understanding, we craft personalized treatment strategies aimed at promoting healing and addressing your unique requirements.

Physical Therapy for Arthritis in Washington, D.C.

At Release Physical Therapy, our expert therapists conduct thorough assessments to gain insight into your arthritis symptoms. With this understanding, we craft personalized treatment strategies aimed at promoting healing and addressing your unique requirements.

We'll help you get back to work, back in the game, and back to doing the activities you love.

Arthritis Treatment in Washington, D.C.

If you are suffering from arthritis, you may wonder if physical therapy can help ease your symptoms and pain.  Physical therapy is a cornerstone in managing arthritis.  At Release PT, our goal is to minimize your arthritis pain, achieve greater mobility, and improve your quality of life.


Does physical therapy help arthritis?

Physical therapy helps manage arthritis through the use of targeted exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding affected joints, enhancing support and stability. This approach improves flexibility and joint function, which can significantly reduce pain and increase mobility. Our Release PT physical therapists develop individualized exercise treatment plans, educate patients on proper body mechanics and posture to prevent further joint stress, and offer techniques like heat and cold therapy to alleviate symptoms.

What is the most effective treatment for arthritis?

For arthritis management, physical therapy stands out as the most effective treatment. Physical therapy can significantly reduce pain and alleviate symptoms. Our highly qualified Release PT physical therapists can develop a personalized treatment plan for you to help you cope with arthritis and improve flexibility. By combining strengthening exercises and other therapies like heat and cold therapy you can achieve improved mobility and successfully manage pain and limitations from arthritis for a better quality of life.


What foods should you avoid if you have arthritis?

If you have arthritis, we recommend that you avoid or limit foods that can exacerbate inflammation and contribute to symptom flare-ups. These include:

  • Processed and Red Meats: High in saturated fats, these foods increase inflammation and pain.
  • Refined Sugars and Carbohydrates: Foods high in processed sugars and white flour trigger the release of inflammatory messengers called cytokines.
  • Fried and High-Fat Foods: These promote inflammation and are linked to obesity, putting extra strain on joints.
  • Dairy Products: Some people find dairy products exacerbate arthritis symptoms due to the type of protein they contain, which may irritate the tissue around the joints.
  • Alcohol and Tobacco: Alcohol consumption and tobacco use can lead to various health problems, including worsening arthritis symptoms.
  • Salt and Preservatives: Excessive salt and preservatives in foods exacerbate joint inflammation.
  • Nightshade Vegetables: For some people, nightshade vegetables including tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers, can aggravate arthritis pain due to a compound called solanine that some believe may trigger inflammation.

Dietary responses are often different from one person to another. It can sometimes help to keep a food diary to track what you eat and how it affects your arthritis symptoms so that you can identify foods to avoid. Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish, may help reduce arthritis symptoms. If you’re visiting us at one of our locations in a Thesis Gym, they can help you with nutrition planning that’s customized to your needs.


What can you do for unbearable arthritis pain?

For unbearable arthritis pain, these strategies can reduce discomfort:

  • Medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription medications may reduce pain and inflammation. 
  • Physical Therapy: A Release PT physical therapist can design a personalized exercise program to strengthen the muscles around the joints, increase flexibility, and reduce pain.
  • Heat and Cold Therapy: Applying heat relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation, while cold packs reduce swelling and numb the pain.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Weight management, a balanced diet, and avoiding activities that strain the joints alleviate pain.
  • Alternative Therapies: K-Laser therapy and massage can also help relieve pain. Talk to one of our physical therapists about incorporating K-laser or massage into your treatment and you can always schedule a full-body massage with one of our licensed massage therapists.
  • Surgery: In cases where other treatments haven’t helped, surgical options like joint replacement may be considered.


Should you walk during an arthritis flare-up?

This is best to discuss with your therapist here at Release PT because whether you should walk depends on the severity of your symptoms. Mild to moderate activity, like gentle walking, can be beneficial even during a flare-up, because it can help maintain joint mobility and muscle strength. Listen to your body and adjust the intensity, duration, and frequency of walking based on how you feel.

If walking causes significant pain or discomfort, rest the affected joints and gradually reintroduce walking as symptoms subside. Our Release PT physical therapists provide advice on managing activity during flare-ups, ensuring that you stay active safely without worsening your condition.

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What aggravates arthritis the most?

Understanding and managing the following triggers that aggravate arthritis can help reduce flare-ups and improve overall joint health:

  • Overexertion: Pushing joints beyond their limits can lead to increased pain and inflammation.
  • Stress: Chronic stress can lead to inflammation, negatively affecting arthritis.
  • Weather Changes: Cold, damp weather or barometric pressure changes can increase joint pain and stiffness.
  • Improper Lifting or Posture: Incorrect mechanics can strain joints, particularly the spine, hips, and knees.
  • Lack of Exercise: Inactivity can stiffen joints, increase pain, and decrease mobility.
  • Specific Foods: Processed foods, or those high in sugar, saturated fats, or nightshade vegetables can exacerbate inflammation and arthritis symptoms.
  • Obesity: Extra weight puts pressure on weight-bearing joints like knees and hips, worsening arthritis pain.
  • Smoking: Tobacco use increases inflammation and risks of rheumatoid arthritis.

Does coffee help arthritis?

The relationship between coffee consumption and arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, is nuanced and varies by arthritis type. Research offers mixed findings. For osteoarthritis, evidence on coffee’s impact is limited, though its antioxidants like polyphenols could potentially offer anti-inflammatory benefits. However, definitive benefits for osteoarthritis remain unestablished. Some research suggests coffee may increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis or worsen symptoms, while other studies show no link.

Take note of how you think coffee affects you and feel free to mention it to your physical therapist to see what your best course of action should be.


Is massage good for arthritis?

Therapeutic medical massage from Release PT can be beneficial for arthritis. It helps to reduce chronic pain, improve range of motion, and aid in the rehabilitation of injuries. Therapeutic massage reduces stress and improves overall well-being, which are important for managing chronic conditions like arthritis. Techniques like myofascial release and additional therapies offered at Release PT can be helpful, depending on your specific type of arthritis and pain level.


Is standing bad for arthritis?

Standing for prolonged periods can be difficult for people with arthritis, particularly for those with arthritis in the hips, knees, and spine. Extended standing can increase joint pain and stiffness because standing puts additional pressure on already affected joints, potentially worsening arthritis symptoms. 

Physical therapy can significantly help people with arthritis who have difficulties with standing. Our Release PT physical therapists develop personalized exercise programs that make standing and other activities less painful and more manageable. They teach postures to reduce stress on the joints during standing and daily activities. We also offer heat and cold therapy to reduce pain and inflammation as well as additional helpful therapies. Physical therapy aims to increase joint function and improve the ability to stand and perform daily activities with greater ease.


Is it best to rest or exercise with arthritis?

Balancing rest and exercise is essential for managing arthritis. Rest reduces stress on inflamed joints, alleviating pain during flare-ups. Too much inactivity can lead to stiffness and muscle weakness. Regular low-impact exercise improves joint flexibility, strengthens muscles, and enhances overall function, without overstraining joints. Finding a balance is important; listen to your body and adjust activities based on pain and symptoms. Our physical therapists at Release PT can customize an exercise plan for your needs, ensuring safe and effective arthritis management.


Does physical therapy help knee arthritis and knee pain?

Physical therapy for knee pain relating to arthritis is highly beneficial for both pain management and to help delay the need for surgery. It strengthens the muscles around the knee, reduces pain, and improves joint function. Our physical therapists at Release PT provide low-impact exercises to help you achieve better mobility and stability. Stretching, and manual therapy can also significantly improve your knee arthritis symptoms.

There are many different factors that go into treating arthritis pain. The skilled team at Release PT is ready to help you recover and get back to your normal, active lifestyle. For more information or to book an appointment, feel free to use our online form or give us a call at 202-974-6621.

We'll help you get back to work, back in the game, and back to doing the activities you love.

Release Physical Therapy


At Release Physical Therapy Washington, D.C. we offer a full range of manual therapies, as well as both traditional and non-traditional treatment techniques. We work one-on-one with our patients to develop an individualized treatment plan that meets their unique needs, conditions, wellness goals and fitness levels.

Active Release Technique ® (ART)

Massage and movement-based technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.

K-Laser ® Therapy

The use of specific wavelengths of light to improve healing time, pain reduction, increase circulation and decrease swelling.

Trigger Point Dry Needling

Needle treatment that decreases pain, increases range of motion and improves strength by inactivating myofascial trigger points.

ASTYM ® Therapy

Regenerates healthy soft tissues (muscles, tendons, etc.), and eliminates or reduces unwanted scar tissue that may be causing pain or movement restrictions.

Kineseo ® Taping Method

Taping technique that reduces muscular pain and inflammation, relaxes overused muscles, improves posture and movement awareness and enhances performance.

Running Assessment

Individualized biomechanical analysis designed to identify strength, gait, and alignment imbalances to decrease risk of injury and improve your current training program.

Functional Training

Exercise regimens that integrate multiple muscle groups, joints and the brain to prepare the body for everyday movement, athletics and other specialized physical activities.

Graston Technique ®

Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization used to address soft tissue lesions and fascial restrictions resulting in improved patient outcomes.

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR)

Rehabilitation therapy and performance training technique using a Personalized Tourniquet System® designed for BFR, to reduce atrophy and increase strength.

Shockwave Therapy

A non-invasive, office based treatment that utilizes acoustic waves to alleviate pain, promote tissue regeneration, and accelerate the healing process.

Massage Therapy

Manual manipulation of the soft tissues including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints to relieve pain, improve circulation, and address specific musculoskeletal conditions.

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Physical Therapists

Our experienced and highly trained physical therapists specialize in treating the outpatient orthopedic population, including sports therapy, orthopedic/spinal therapy, chronic pain management, pre/post-surgical therapy, as well as wellness and prevention. All of our physical therapist are accepting new patients.

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6:00 am - 8:00 pm

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6:00 am - 5:00 pm


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At Release Physical Therapy, there is nothing more important to us than the health and safety of our patients and staff during this unprecedented time. The Department of Homeland Security and state governments have deemed physical therapy an essential component of healthcare during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic; therefore, our office will remain open to serve those in need. We are taking extensive preventative measures to protect our patients and employees who enter our clinic. Learn more

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Hours of Operation

Monday-Thursday: 6am - 8pm
Friday: 6am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Office closed

Office Address

Release Physical Therapy
2134 L St NW, Washington, DC 20037

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Our Physical Therapists

Our experienced and highly trained physical therapists specialize in treating the outpatient orthopedic population, including sports therapy, orthopedic/spinal therapy, chronic pain management, pre/post-surgical therapy, as well as wellness and prevention. All of our physical therapists are accepting new patients.