Could FAI Be the Cause?

If you’re having hip pain, it is possible that a driving factor is FAI (femoral acetabular impingement syndrome). FAI occurs when there has been extra bone growth on one or both of the bones that form the hip joint. This extra bone growth can cause increased friction as the hip joint moves which can result in hip pain during certain activities.

Anatomy of the hip joint

Similar to the shoulder, the hip is a ball and socket joint that is made to be mobile. The hip socket is formed by the acetabulum and the ball is the femoral head. There is also articular cartilage that covers the ball and the socket to help create smooth gliding of the bones during movement. The acetabulum is supported by a strong fibrocartilage ring known the labrum. The labrum’s primary job is to provide stability to the mobile hip joint.

Types of FAI

Cam: A bump forms on the outside of femoral head (ball)
Pincer: Extra bone growth occurs on the rim of the acetabulum (socket)
Mixed: A combination of Cam and Pincer.

Causes of FAI

There seems to be a combination of genetic factors and lifestyle/activity factors that influence the development of FAI.

Common symptoms:

How can physical therapy help?

A physical therapist can provide a thorough initial examination to identify range of motion limitations, strength deficits, and soft tissue restrictions that may be contributing to your hip pain. Based off of the impairments found on the initial examination, a physical therapist will develop an individualized plan of care to help you reach your goals.

Here at Release Physical Therapy we offer a variety of treatment options including hip mobilizations, heated instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, deep tissue mobilization, K-Laser therapy, and dry needling. All of which can help reduce your hip pain, improve your hip mobility, and help you get back to the activities that you enjoy!